Last night my family was able to visit the Christmas Village in Ogden, which has become one of our family traditions. This year, storytelling has become part of the celebration. The United Way, along with Lifetime Products, is sponsoring a Stories for a Lifetime tent where visitors can warm up and enjoy some wintry tales. Volunteer readers and storytellers will be in the tent every evening from 5-8p.m. either reading storybooks or telling holiday tales. Lifetime Products has donated some wonderful chairs so listeners can get comfy as they enjoy the stories. The United Way is also giving away wrapped books for each child who visits the tent as part of their effort to promote literacy in our community.
I had a lot of fun last night, entertaining listeners of all ages. I usually only had one or two families at a time, so all the children were able to be involved. The highlight of the evening for me was when a group of college-aged young men walked in. I think they were just trying to get warm, and they saw the inviting lights of the tent, so they came on in. "Dude, is this story time?" I hadn't quite prepared for that particular demographic, so I had to think quickly to find something in my repetoire they might enjoy. Though it didn't exactly fit with the holiday theme, I told my best liar's tale, "Granny's Grin." With such a small group, I was really able to interact with the audience members, and it made the story come alive. Sometimes when I tell something I have told a lot, I slip into "recitation mode," and it sounds stiff and rehearsed, so it was nice to really be able to connect with my listeners. All these tough guys were engaged and laughing through the whole story. Afterward, they all clapped and told me it was awesome! It was really fun to show them that stories aren't just for little kids.
The storytelling tent will be available every evening, so stop by for some stories and a free book. While you are there, you can see the lights, catch some free entertainment, enjoy some hot chocolate, and even visit Santa Claus. Watch my site for details to find out what dates and times I will be telling.
I had a lot of fun last night, entertaining listeners of all ages. I usually only had one or two families at a time, so all the children were able to be involved. The highlight of the evening for me was when a group of college-aged young men walked in. I think they were just trying to get warm, and they saw the inviting lights of the tent, so they came on in. "Dude, is this story time?" I hadn't quite prepared for that particular demographic, so I had to think quickly to find something in my repetoire they might enjoy. Though it didn't exactly fit with the holiday theme, I told my best liar's tale, "Granny's Grin." With such a small group, I was really able to interact with the audience members, and it made the story come alive. Sometimes when I tell something I have told a lot, I slip into "recitation mode," and it sounds stiff and rehearsed, so it was nice to really be able to connect with my listeners. All these tough guys were engaged and laughing through the whole story. Afterward, they all clapped and told me it was awesome! It was really fun to show them that stories aren't just for little kids.
The storytelling tent will be available every evening, so stop by for some stories and a free book. While you are there, you can see the lights, catch some free entertainment, enjoy some hot chocolate, and even visit Santa Claus. Watch my site for details to find out what dates and times I will be telling.